
Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 4 Day 1: Wireless Communications

Last week I asked a student whether or not this camp was as they expected and her response was no because she did not expect to learn so much information, indeed! Part of NYU Poly's reputation is that we have a very rigorous curriculum, and those students who decide to stay after their first year will be in for a great academic adventure. We started off our last week of camp today by asking our students, "what did we learn in the first three weeks? and, how did we use what we learned to make our cities smarter?". This quick discussion paved the way for our posters. We started to work on our presentation posters today, one for each week, that illustrates the features that make our city smart. Since the roads in respect to the canvas is very narrow, very few details about the structure and layout of it can be put on the canvas. Therefore, these details will be put in the Week 3 Transportation poster.

(From left) Kayleen, Eon and Jelani drafting a layout of their city
In the second half of the day, we talked about Internet, WiFi and cellular technology. Everyone of our student uses the internet but none of them knew exactly what it is or how it worked. After Jim's careful guidance and mindful lecture, students left today knowing that the internet is a network of networks. It works because millions of servers and computers around the world act as passers, receivers and senders of information, as part of one giant global network. Students also left today knowing how to quantify a bit, a byte, a megabyte and understand why most media drives today are sold in gigabytes. Overall, today was a very interesting day, I along with the students learned a lot about the internet and various wireless communication technologies.

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